When Jesus healed the 10 lepers, only one returned to praise Him and thank Him.
When we receive a present, it is good manners to thank the person for the gift. How much more we should thank our Lord when we have our prayers answered– when we have the results of what we have been standing and believing for in our lives. He is so worthy to be praised and honored and magnified.
The Bible says: Everything that has breath; praise the Lord.
Praise is the highest form of faith that we can exercise. Let the whole world know what God has done for you. Pour forth from your innermost being, your Spirit man, your gratitude for His goodness and His abundant blessing in your life.
This page is included for you to give glory to God for what He has done for you. What is it that you have received from Him as a result of prayer? Give Him praise.
Fill out the form below to let us know the goodness of God in your life, especially when you see the results of your prayers. The space for your praise is limited to 500 words. If you have a more in-depth praise report, feel free to write us and let us know what the Lord has done for you.
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